Acer Aspire ES1-131 Notebook Review
Acer’s Aspire ES1-131 is no stranger to us. It is the identically built successor of our previously tested Aspire ES1-111. Only the innards have changed: A brand new Braswell CPU now replaces the Bay Trail processor of the ES1-111. Our report uncovers whether or not that involves advantages.
The Aspire has plenty of rivals. We would firstly name netbooks, such as Asus’ EeeBook X205TA-FD005BS and Lenovo’s S20-30. However, Chromebooks like Lenovo’s N20 also belong to these. Convertibles, such as HP’s Stream 11 x360, should not be forgotten, either.
Since both tested Aspire models feature an identical build, we will not go in-depth about casing, connectivity, input devices, screen or speakers. The corresponding information can be found in the review of the Aspire ES1-111.
Acer Aspire ES1-131
Intel Celeron N3050 Intel HD Graphics (Braswell)
Netbook — 07/10/2015 — v4
Case & Connectivity
Opening the casing is no problem. The base tray can be easily removed after releasing all screws on the underside. However, the user cannot do much. The working memory and system storage are soldered onto the motherboard. The casing has a slot for a 2.5-inch hard drive. However, a hard drive could not be installed in our review sample because there was no corresponding connector. 2.5-inch hard drives are only meant for other Aspire models.
The Aspire sports the same matte HD screen as the Aspire ES1-111. The rates differ marginally anyway. That is normal since two identical screens never correspond to each other exactly.
CalMAN — ColorChecker
CalMAN — Grayscale
CalMAN — Saturation Sweeps
Acer’s 11.6-inch netbook has enough computing power for applications from the office and Internet fields. It can offer long battery life at the same time. Our review sample costs around 250 to 300 Euros (
$326). Acer also has other configurations in its lineup.
The Aspire is powered by a Celeron N3050 dual-core processor. It is a scion of Intel’s latest Braswell CPU generation. The processor clocks at up to 2.16 GHz, which makes it to the successor of the Celeron N2815 (Bay Trail) processor. Both CPUs are virtually identical in terms of performance. The Braswell processor manages a lead of a few percent in some benchmarks. The processor always performed multithread applications at full speed, which was also mostly true for single-thread applications. However, one processor core was recurrently slowed down to 1.6 GHz. This behavior was identical in both AC and battery modes.
* . smaller is better
System Performance
The system ran smoothly and we did not encounter problems. All PCMark 8 benchmark scores are better than those of comparable rivals for two reasons: Firstly, the Aspire has been equipped with an eMMC storage, which operates faster than conventional hard drives. Secondly, the netbook features a significantly stronger GPU than the case in devices based on the Bay Trail generation. It is not possible to improve the Aspire’s system performance.
Storage Device
The system drive is an eMMC storage module with a capacity of 32 GB. That is the absolute minimum required storage capacity for a Windows system. The user has approximately 10 GB for personal use available in state of delivery. The remaining storage is divided among the Windows installation and recovery partition. Some of the preloaded applications can be uninstalled for gaining additional storage capacity. The storage device’s transfer rates are on a normal level for eMMC storage.
Graphics Card
While the CPU part of the Celeron N3050 only presents a very slim performance plus over the former generation, it looks much better with the GPU. An almost 100% performance increase can be observed in the HD Graphics (Braswell). The GPU is based on the same architecture as the graphics cores in Intel’s Broadwell processors. The 3DMark benchmark results range on the same level as those of AMD’s R2 (Mullins/Beema) or R3 (Mullins/Beema) graphics cores. Thus, Intel meets AMD on equal footing for the first time in low-cost GPUs.
The slowest HD Graphics core version is installed in our present review sample. It clocks at up to 600 MHz. Other GPU variants can achieve up to 700 MHz. Furthermore, the working memory installed in our review sample operates in single-channel mode. Consequently, there is still some leeway, and the HD Graphics core will achieve even higher scores in the 3DMark benchmarks in other laptops.
Therefore, Intel’s new GPU not only stands out with a higher performance but also with the ability of rendering 4k videos and H.265 encoded videos (H.265 is the successor of the known H.264 codecs). We also tested this as far as we could. YouTube videos (H.264, 4k, 60 fps, Internet Explorer) were rendered smoothly. The CPU was loaded to approximately 60%. It was also possible to play videos using Windows Media Player. The CPU’s load then ranged between 50 and 60%.
Обзор ноутбука acer aspire es1-131-c1nl
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Ноутбук Acer Aspire ES1 131-C1NL
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Поступление в продажу не ожидается, как правило это состояние товара означает, что он снят с производства.
Тип памяти: LV SO-DIMM DDR3 Объём: 8 Гб Частота: 1600 МГц Модулей в комплекте: 1 Цена: 5 055 руб.
Тип памяти: LV SO-DIMM DDR3 Объём: 8 Гб Частота: 1600 МГц Модулей в комплекте: 1 Цена: 3 186 руб.
Тип памяти: LV SO-DIMM DDR3 Объём: 8 Гб Частота: 1600 МГц Модулей в комплекте: 1 Цена: 3 310 руб.
Производитель: FSP Мощность: 90 Вт Размеры коннектора: 5.5 x 1.7 мм Цена: 1 849 руб.
Производитель: FSP Мощность: 90 Вт Размеры коннектора: 5.5 x 1.7 мм Цена: 1 918 руб.
Производитель: FSP Мощность: 65 Вт Размеры коннектора: 5.5 x 1.7 мм Цена: 1 489 руб.
Опции, расходные материалы и аксессуары для Ноутбук Acer Aspire ES1 131-C1NL
Мы старались сделать описание как можно более хорошим, чтобы ваш выбор был безошибочным и осознанным, но т.к. мы, возможно, этот товар не эксплуатировали, а только со всех сторон пощупали, а вы его после того, как купите, испробуете в работе, ваш отзыв может сделать этот мир лучше, если ваш отзыв действительно будет полезным, то мы его опубликуем и дадим вам возможность следующую покупку у нас сделать по 2-й колонке.
Сравнение производительности и результаты тестов
Чтобы вы могли оценить производительность выбранного товара (пока еще не побывавшего в нашей тестовой лаборатории, но мы над этим работаем), на диаграмме приведены результаты тестов для 10 товаров, схожих по цене с выбранным. Показатели в процентах указывают на приближение к макcимальному из зарегистрированных результатов.